See disclaimer below for terms and conditions of service.
- Check grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Check errors and inconsistencies in the text
- Check syntax and word usage
- Check problems of clarity and accuracy
- Cross-check references and research for consistency
- Suggest revisions to improve readability
- Suggest revisions to improve presentation
- Reoganization or rewriting
Basic Copyediting
- Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Check style and format consistency
- Check syntax and word usage
- Read for clarity & sense
- Check errors and inconsistencies
- Check problems of clarity and accuracy
- Cross-check references and research for consistency
- Suggest revisions to improve readability
- Suggest revisions to improve presentation
- Reoganization or rewriting
Line Edit
- All Proofreading and Basic Copyediting services
- Check problems of clarity and accuracy
- Cross-check references and research for consistency
- Reorganize text sections to improve order
- Suggest revisions to improve readability
- Suggest revisions to improve presentation
- Incorporate or rewrite to reflect new consistencies, text, or suggestions in new draft
- Collaborate to develop preparation materials
- Cross-check references, permissions, copyright material, and citations
- Develop custom outline
- Check and maintain structure, flow, and organization
- Writing or rewriting segments to improve readability and flow of information
- Proofread, including revision
- Collaborate to develop preparation materials
- Note permissions, references, and copyright material
- Collect informational materials from credible resources
- Collaborate and develop notes, analysis, quotations, and other research text
- Cross-check resources for credibility and accuracy
- Organized information and results in presentational form
Service rates can be determined on an hourly or project basis. The service rates listed are for remote digital editing; snail mail postage or travel to work on-site will be listed for reimbursement on the service invoice.
All services require a signed letter of agreement and will be billed by invoice. Invoices must be paid within 15 days; an interest rate of 2% will be added to any overdue invoice after thirty days and for each consecutive month.
Rush fees: for rush services, please contact directly. Resulting rush rates will depend on availability and the material’s deadline. Rush estimates are generally 20% to 50% over the established rates.
Cancellation fee: cancellation costs will be determined on a project basis.
Credit: credit to the editor is required for works published to print. The degree of credit will be negotiated on a project basis.